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Frequently asked questions


(Click on the question for a dropdown answer)

How long is the program?

Our program consists of two phases. Phase I is the Institute; Phase II is 180 days of teaching in the classroom under a Practitioner’s License. We offer two choices of Institute.

  • Summer Institute which runs for 7 weeks during the months of June and July with daily, daytime obligation.
  • The School Year Institute which spans more than five months running September through March with weekly obligations.

At the conclusion of Phase I Institute, you then move into Phase II Practitioner License Year of the program in which you teach for 180 days within the classroom as a full-time teacher of record.

Do I need to pass Praxis before applying?

While you do not need Praxis completed in order to apply, you do need the Praxis Content complete for full acceptance into the program. This means you can create your user portal and upload application documents, but you are not fully accepted until passing scores for both Praxis Core and Praxis Content are provided.

What is a Practitioner’s License?

A Practitioner’s License is a document provided by Louisiana Department of Education (LDOE) stating that LDOE as the governing body, LRCE as the program provider, and you as the practitioner are all in agreement that you are in the 180-day teaching period in which you will receive ongoing support through coaching, observations, and feedback for your development in pursuit of a Level 1 Teaching Certificate. Upon completion of program requirements, you will be issued your Level 1 Certificate.

Can I get certified in two content areas at the same time?

You are not able to pursue two content areas at a time. Once you have received your Level 1 certification, you can take the PLT in other content areas to apply for add-on certifications. However, we do offer SPED Dual: a program unique to LRCE in which you can gain your Level 1 such as Elementary and Special Education certifications simultaneously.

Will you assign me to/help me find a job?

We leverage our relationships with schools and districts throughout the state to inform you of positions available in your region. We also have a course for people to take that supports you in finding positions, applying, and succeeding in the interview.

Do you offer any scholarships, grants, or financial assistance?

While LRCE does not offer scholarships or assistance with program fees directly, we are always happy to discuss flexible payment arrangements for extreme needs. We can also refer you to one of our many district partners who offer full or partial reimbursement of your program fees.


What praxis do I need to take?

Prior to Phase I: Institute you need to have a passing Praxis II scores in your content area. Please see the list below, but remember to always check at the State’s website for the most up-to-date information.


  1. Reading – 5713
  2. Writing – 5723
  3. Math – 5733

Praxis II

  1. Elementary Education – 5001
  2. Early Childhood Education-5001
  3. Middle School
    1. Math – 5164 (prior to 8/31/22 test 5169 accepted)
    2. ELA – 5047
    3. Science – 5442 (prior to 3/21/22 test 5440 accepted)
    4. Social Studies – 5089
  4. Secondary Education
    1. ELA – 5039
    2. Math – 5165 (prior to 8/31/22 test 5161 accepted)
    3. General Science – 5435
    4. Biology – 5235
    5. Chemistry – 5245
    6. Physics – 5265
    7. Social Studies – 5086
  1. Foreign Language
          1. French – 5174
          2. Spanish – 5195

Principles of Learning and Teaching

  1. Early Childhood Education
          1. PLT: Early Childhood – 5621
          2. Teaching Reading – 5206
  1. Elementary Education
          1. PLT: K-6 – 5622
          2. Teaching Reading – 5206
  1. Middle School
          1. PLT: 5-9 – 5623
  1. Secondary Education
          1. PLT: 7–12 – 5624
  1. Special Education – if you went through the program with Special Education
          1. SPED: Core Knowledge and Mild/Moderate Application – 5543

When do I need to take my Praxis Principles of Learning and Teaching (PLT) Exam?

We advise you take your PLT during the second half of your Practitioner License Year during Phase II.

When do I need a teaching job?

In order for us to apply for your Practitioner License and join Phase II, you will need to have a job as a teacher of record in your certification area. We can support you in this process, but ultimately, it is your responsibility to find a teaching position.

Do I need to take the Praxis Teaching Reading exam?

If you are obtaining certification area in Early Childhood Education or Elementary education, you will need Teaching Reading:5206

Do I have to take Praxis 2 If I have a masters degree?

Everyone needs to take Praxis 2 and their PLTs.

I have a teaching Job in 1st grade? Will that work for my High School Certification?

No, you need to be teaching in your certification area to be placed on a Practitioner License and move into Phase II. Once you have received your Level 1 certification, you can take the PLT in other content areas to apply for add-on certifications.

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